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See the light of Hinomoto and Dragon Land. To the Northeast





日程表(令和四年 西暦2022)

  1. 8/18(木)8:00大阪自宅出発→→→諏訪大社下社秋宮→諏訪大社上社本宮→→西湖 民宿さざなみ18:20 【走行距離538キロ】

  2. 8/19(金)9:00宿出発→→青木ヶ原 富岳風穴&鳴沢氷穴→→高速渋滞で埼玉県羽生市のイオンモールでランチ→→鎌先温泉 最上屋到着18:10 【走行距離352キロ】

  3. 8/20(土)9:45鎌先温泉出発→→→岩手 平泉中尊寺→→→キリストの墓→→十和田湖畔 民宿 春山荘(しゅんざんそう)18:00  【走行距離376キロ】

  4. 8/21(日)9:00十和田湖畔出発→→→大鰐温泉♨→→三内丸山遺跡→→→大間 御宿かもめ17:20到着 【走行距離260キロ】

  5. 8/22(月)6:00宿出発→→大間港7:00~~津軽海峡フェリー~~8:30函館港→→ウィンザー洞爺小休止→→ランチ白老牛カウベルにて→→→旭川公園ゲストハウス17:00  【走行距離534キロ】

  6. 8/23(火)旭川発→→青池→白金温泉♨→美瑛彩レストランにてランチ→→ぜるぶの丘→→旭川公園ゲストハウスでのんびりと

  7. 8/24(水)9:20旭川公園ゲストハウス出発→→→札幌 バーチャルサーキット→豚丼ランチ→サッポロビール園で従兄弟と会う→→定山渓♨鹿の湯 【走行距離181キロ】

  8. 8/25(木)10:00定山渓出発→→羊蹄山湧き水→→Ram's工房従兄弟のギャラリー→→積丹半島ドライブ→神威岬→→余市直販所に果物野菜なし??→→小樽散策→小樽温泉オスパ→はま寿司 築港店→新日本海フェリー小樽港23:30出港 【走行距離232キロ】

  9. 8/26(金)朝寝坊三昧、読書三昧、カフェでコーヒー、海を行く大浴場を独り占め、映画三昧、宿題三昧、ランチとディナーはレストランで  船上生活思いっきり楽しむ一日~~21:15舞鶴港着→福知山の実家

諏訪大社 下社 秋宮

Suwa Taisha Lower Shrine Akimiya

諏訪大社 下社春宮をナビに入れたのだが、駐車場が分からず、ウロウロしてたら、秋宮に着いた。



本当なんだ! 本当か? でも現実に諏訪大社に来ちゃった。いつもの癖で、不安に捕まることもある、よくある が、怖がりながら、エイや!と進むと何か?が開けてくる感じを体感する。





息子がトイレに行きたい!ともぞもぞ、もう我慢できないレベル?! 本殿で礼拝もぜず、御朱印帳を頂ける窓口でトイレの場所を教えてもらう。和多志は、御朱印を御朱印帳に頂くことに。

無事に念願の御朱印頂き、息子がダッシュで走っていったトイレの場所に行くも、すでに息子の姿はない。男子のトイレは、は、はや!手を洗ったのか? さて、奴はどこに行った???とキョロキョロ辺りを見渡すと不思議な場所がある。こんもりと小高い丘に小さな社と鳥居と木が乱立している。入ってみると違う氣を感じる。すると息子が違う角度から駐車場方向にピョンピョン走っているのが見えた。いたいた!そのまま巨木の丘を登り切った先には諏訪湖が輝いていた。なんか?見た景色。。。アレだ!新海監督「君の名は」だ。隕石が落ちる湖は諏訪湖だったんだ。主人公の女の子はそういえば巫女だ。ギャ、ぎゃ、なんか色々シンクロニシティー。。。貪り読んだ縄文文明、Youtube小名木先生や神社チャンネル羽賀ヒカルさんの古事記、日本書紀の解説の沢山色々が頭の中で点灯したり、点と点が線になったり、すべてここ諏訪で繋がって結ばれているような氣がした。そんな氣がした。

諏訪大社下社秋宮、心の赴くままに、自然のまんまに動くとやっぱり何か?something greatに近づくような氣がする。無理や我慢はあかんのよね~。自然のまんま、そのまんまに生きよう。楽ちんに!頑張るのをやめよう。

諏訪大社 上社本宮

諏訪大社 上社本宮









青木ヶ原樹海 富岳風穴へ




















神様 私を使って下さい。こき使って下さい。働き者ですよ(笑)

宮城 鎌先温泉 最上屋

鎌先温泉 昭和のまんま





その応援に答えなきゃ!ね。すっごい大応援団のような氣がする(笑)だって、何もかもスムーズなの。お膳立て誰かしてくれている??? うん、大応援団がお膳立てしてくれたんだ!と本気で思っているの。












ただの偶然、たまたまだよ〜という事に、今、大喜び出来る自分がいる。全てを良いように解釈できるご機嫌な私が、今、ここに居る。誰にどう思われようと、最上に幸せな世界に居る!と私が思ってるんだから、そうなんだよ〜。そう言えば、鎌先温泉の宿は 「最上屋」。名前の通り、私にとっては最上の宿でした。有難い。




岩手 平泉 中尊寺

平泉 中尊寺


昔から私は、そうだった。何がそうだったのか? そうそう、昔から有名観光地にある過去の偉人、お金持ち、権力者が造ったと言われるモノに心動かされること、無かったなぁ〜。特に成金的に「どうだ!我ら一族はすごいだろう!下々の者よ、我らのために労を惜しむな」みたいなものが見える、圧を感じるものは、「ふ〜ん・・・」ってな感じ。そんな低い重い気漂う過去のシロモノに大層な能書きの厚化粧で、有名観光地に仕立て上げ、金集め、人集めしているようで、興醒めしてしまう。コロナ騒ぎをキッカケに、世の中のおかしさが見えてきただけに、余計に感じる。







弟 イスキリの墓

In Aomori in August, the forest is really blue. It's a beautiful blue.

Everything is so clear. I guess there must be a lot of people who have a pure and clear heart as well. Even when driving on the highway, the surrounding nature is blue and beautiful. There is a prefecture just like its name, Aomori! A name reveals the body.

So do people. People who live their lives as they are, without makeup, without deceit, without repairing, without any pretense, honestly and truthfully, just as they are, just as nature intended them to be, are beautiful. It's not about looks. It is a feeling.

Lake Towada and its forests, as well as the land damaged by the long, heavy rains, have been washed and purified, and are strikingly blue and beautiful. They are strong and beautiful. The people of the Tohoku region must have been people who, since the Jomon period, have lived their lives as they were, without makeup, without deceit, without repair, and with grace and honesty, just as they are, just as nature intended them to be. Kansai people are so flashy when I think about it. People who dress up and live in the city, cut off from nature, are not connected to the earth, so they are influenced by trends, ruled by what is called common sense, believe in authority, wrapped up in what is long, and are rootless charlatans and charlatan women who do not believe in themselves. Since the time of the Yamato Kingship, you have to be a worldly-wise & hapo-ho beauty with a mouth & hands to survive in the vicinity of power. Because they lived cunningly, they were able to climb to a certain height because they were able to make things up as they went along. But from now on, it is no longer possible to fool around. The thick makeup will peel off beautifully, and the cracks will become too big to be repaired. Let's just live as we are. It's just too hard. What are you clutching so dearly? What do you want to hide?

As I ran through the blue forest, I had nothing to hide, nothing to hold on to, and I had a refreshing freedom! I feel happy.

I don't have it, but I have it! I feel that I have it. Do you understand? It doesn't matter anymore! A good company, a good university, the eyes of others, a certain status, it doesn't matter. But I was clinging on to something that was so unimportant.

When did they start wanting power, economic power, control, and strength? Both the gods of the Kamijyo period and Emperor Jinmu, who is said to be the first, wanted to be on top, so they fought battles. Wanting to show off that they are more powerful than anyone else, the Nihonshoki and Kojiki have surely been falsified by the powers of the time. When did the Japanese people living in the clean blue forests, who are not clinging to such a trivial thing, disappear?
I came to the Sannai-Maruyama site. I wanted to come. I wanted to feel a world where people have lived together for 12,000 years without fighting. I wanted to see the traces of a time when people created their own lives as they pleased. A world where "it's OK just the way it is" is the norm. A world of harmony, where small communities helped each other, shared, shared wisdom, joy, laughter, and worked to be useful in what they were good at, had existed in Japan for 12,000 years! Isn't that amazing? Isn't it strange that Japanese children are not taught about this proud Jomon civilization in school? Isn't it strange that they don't teach this proud Jomon civilization to Japanese children in schools?
In my opinion, I am sure that by the time of the first Emperor Jinmu, people had already begun to cling to the power of "Do-nothing". Even in the time of Amaterasu and Susanounomikoto, there were strong signs of this.

The era in which Christ lived 2,000 years ago was an era of domination and oppression. Even in the Egyptian civilization a few thousand years further back, there was a god who ruled over his people with terrible massacres and oppression, and reliefs of battles and massacres are everywhere. It was amazing that they could create such a thing so long ago, but I had a disheartening memory of touring Egypt. I thought I was exhausted from the heat, the early morning travel, and the poor health of the clients, but now, looking back, I realize that the heavy vibrations from the history of massacres and oppression that took place there made me feel even more exhausted! I thought.

The Sannai-Maruyama site in Aomori, on the other hand, is a pleasant place where a fresh breeze blows and you feel like taking a deep breath. Here was a peaceful, conflict-free world where everyone was laughing and working. It was the same or even older than the Egyptian civilization. How did a people of such harmony and peace get swallowed up by the bestial world of the weak and the strong?  Enough is enough. Once people realize how insignificant power really is, it would be stupid to hold on to it. It's so simple. It's OK if everyone understands its true nature, which may only be understood through experience. It may only be understood through experience, and painful experience at that. With the cross of Christ, people have left that painful experience to others. They have left the decision to experience outside of themselves. Ask, and it shall be given you! Farewell, and it shall be given to you." These words are so deep! I feel as if I understand it after living for more than half a century.

Is the "Tomb of Christ" here in Aomori authentic? I don't know. As you can see in the photo, I went to the site, but I don't know. I wish I could go back in time to 2,000 years ago to find out, though. Would honest Aomorians have told such a big lie? No, no, they wanted to make it a tourist attraction?

But the religion of Christianity is also historical knowledge given to us in school by later rulers, a flimsy oblation, and if we seek it, the flimsy oblation will be torn and lies and malice will be revealed. If we do not seek, we will not see the essence. Ask, and it will be given to you! Ask, and it shall be given to you!

Jesus, a young Jewish man born in a stable, escaped from the chaotic and chaotic world in a desperate patch and lived happily with his brother Iskiri, his wife and their lovely children in Aomori, the Land of the Rising Sun, and ended his life happily, you know (laughs).

Yes, yes, I go where my heart leads me, depending on my mood at the time. I am guided by my heart.

On the way from Towadako to Hirosaki, my son said, "I want to go to a hot spring! He said, "I want to go to a hot spring." I want Akinori Kimura's apples, and I want to meet Mr. Kimura," I thought secretly in my heart. On this day, driving from Lake Towada to Oma, the northernmost point of Honshu, my strong obsession was, "I can't miss Hirosaki and the Sannai-Maruyama ruins." If we stopped at an onsen (hot spring), we would be late arriving in Oma. My son is not an obsessive person. He let go easily. That's why he doesn't get into trouble with others and doesn't get into fights. He can make good relationships with everyone at school and at home. He has easy and open relationships with others. As a mother, I wonder if my son's easy-going nature makes him feel that everything is "not important. I feel uneasy. Or is it that after living for more than half a century, experiencing the Corona fiasco, divorce, and unemployment, I have finally arrived at the point where I can say, "Oh, no, I don't care about that! It doesn't matter! I've been through the Corona fiasco, divorce, unemployment, etc., and I've finally reached the point where I can say, "Whatever! Hahahahaha~, will I ever meet him or not? I'll just give up on going to Hirosaki, obsessed with Mr. Kimura's apples, which I don't know if I'll ever find or not! I can buy apples anywhere! AHAHA~ I was clinging on to something that I don't care about (laughs).
OK, let's go to Onsen! From where we were running, Owani Onsen was a good place to go along the way! I asked my son to look up which hot spring facilities in Owani Onsen are good and ask him to navigate.

As expected of today's junior high school students, they are quick. He is quick to use the restroom, but he is also quick to use his phone. We drove along the country road through apple fields. It was beautiful. On the way, the windshield of the car is sprayed with a lot of pesticides. We realized that a lot of pesticides were being sprayed on the apples. I realized that Mr. Kimura's apples are called "miracle apples. There really are no pesticide-free apples in Japan. Even without going to Hirosaki, I experienced and felt the reality described in Mr. Kimura's "Miracle Apples" by passing by apple fields that were being sprayed with pesticides. Every adult, TV show, and even doctors believe that apples are good for you and that they don't need doctors, but in fact, this may have been propaganda by global corporations and their cronies. In fact, this may have been propaganda by global corporations and their cronies! And so they have been telling a lie with impunity.

And then we arrived at Owani Onsen, Crocodile Come. We had lunch and bought a bag of apples from Owani Town at the farmers' market. I had a flashback to the pesticide spraying, but I bought it.

Well, tomorrow, I will cross over to Hokkaido!

Three days after I bought these apples, I was to meet my cousin who lives in Sapporo. Don't you have any souvenirs? →Oh, I have apples! →I wanted to try them, but I only have apples as a souvenir! →I wanted to try them, but all I could find were apples as a souvenir! So I decided to bring apples from Owani Town to meet my cousin and his wife. We visited their house and chatted a lot.

She asked me, "Fujiko, where are you from in Tohoku?

She said, "I don't think anyone knows! Owani-onsen, Aomori.

"Oh, really? I went to Owani Onsen in Aomori. I bought this apple there.

No~~, I am being led in various directions...(^_^;)

But as I write this column, Fujiko, you know that I am from Owani, don't you? You know that you should peel and eat apples covered with pesticides. I felt guilty and prayed that you know.

My son, who loves fruits, always bit into apples with the skin on since he was little. Ignorance is a sin.

As an adult and as a mother, I first reflected on this. And I felt reassured that I must cultivate the ability to know and discern.


蝦夷富士 羊蹄山

Japan is beautiful. It is divine.
Is it because of my age? Is it because I have been through a painful experience?

I am so thankful that I was born in this beautiful Japan, and that I am living in Japan right now, that I cry.

I want to worship the sun, saying thank you, thank you. I remember my favorite grandma, Kinu Grandma, used to put her hands in front of the sun. I'm doing the same thing.
I may have mentioned somewhere on this website the origin of my private business name, "Kinu & Kukai". It's a bit of an exaggeration, but it's something like "This is it! This is the only way! It's the only one!" (laughs).

I used the name of my grandmother Kinu, who was born on March 21, the day Kukai entered into death, and closed her 94-year life on March 21. She was truly a calm, quiet, strong, and gentle grandmother, and a Bodhisattva. Maitreya Bodhisattva. Isn't it amazing? The same day of birth and the same day of death. I am sure that my grandma was a Maitreya Bodhisattva.
I drove my light car to the northern end of Honshu, to Oma, where I had been a paper driver until last year. From Osaka to Gon. I came to the end. Sunset over the Pacific Ocean from Cape Ohma. I was filled with a sense of contentment and peace of mind. I am truly grateful. I have the freedom to act according to my heart. At this moment, I truly feel that I am the happiest I have ever been in my life.
Like Grandma Kinu, I live in gratitude every day and every hour! And I want to die with a peaceful heart filled with a sense of fulfillment.... But I will live to be 100 years old! I have decided that I will go there after seeing this world become the world of Maitreya! The song "The Last Day of My Life ♫" by "Sachiare", whom I met in Hiroshima in July this year (2022), resonates in my heart.

1526km I ran.... I'll still enjoy running.

I wish you all the best in my life! I already have it, I already have it, I already have happiness here.

Icchan-ichiran-taippai koko ni aru (Kansai dialect) = I have the most here.
Oh, yes, "Ichiban" reminds me of something. My father's name is Koichi. He is the happiest man I know. I think he was a person who found the greatest happiness in ordinary life. Whenever he had meals with his children and grandchildren after returning home for the Obon and New Year's holidays, he would always say, "I'm so glad you're all back," and his eyes would well up with a wry smile. The mountains feel so good," he would say. My father really thought that the small village where he was born and raised was the most beautiful place in the world! My father never wanted to go anywhere. He would go on trips, but when he returned home, he would be deeply relieved and say, "This is the best place in the world after all! When I was a tour guide for my mountain-loving father, I wanted to take him to Switzerland or New Zealand, but he said, "I don't need those places. He said, "I don't need such a place, just take your mother. I'd rather stay here and eat pickles.
My father would really be happier eating pickles in the Tamba countryside than in Switzerland or New Zealand. !!!!

He was the person who could feel the most happiness in the smallest things, in the places closest to him! After "Aomori," the name speaks for itself!As I write this, my father, Koichi, is amazing!
As I write this, I am reminded once again of how amazing my father, Koichi, is.

If everyone in the world were like my father, meaningless competition and wars to undermine and rob others would disappear instantly. Instant extinction. Let's put an end to the world in which people fight to climb up the hierarchy and kick others down.
To achieve this, the Japanese people must first regain a mindset of gratitude to the sun, the moon, the earth, the stars, and all living things in the universe, saying, "How beautiful" and "Thank you. We Japanese are the first people who can feel the beauty of the sounds of nature, such as birds chirping, insects singing, and rivers murmuring. We should be grateful and accept nature as it is, as it is, as the best reward. Then you will be happy right away, right now. It was such a simple thing.

After the war, or perhaps after the Meiji Restoration? What have the Japanese been running for? Is the place where we were rushing and aiming higher and faster than anyone else such a good place? Is it a pleasant place?

Japan as of 2022.11.22, you may be worried about many things and wonder what the future holds, but there is no other country as strong and beautiful as the country of Japan. Don't worry. Corona was just a common cold for the Japanese, GDP growth may be the lowest in the developed world, but it does not matter to us at all. There are no missiles flying at us. Even if we don't have money, we will not die. Let's be "Kouichi," the person who can feel the most happiness in the smallest things, in the places closest to us! Then there is nothing to be afraid of! What you have to pay attention to is not to depend on, not to depend on, not to expect and not to entrust your life to those outside of yourself (government, company, spouse, parents, children, UN, TV, newspapers, internet information, etc.).

People all over the world are under black magic. Japan has the shortest history of black magic. It has been since the Meiji Restoration. So Japanese people can wake up from black magic!

Now, now! Look at the beautiful mountains of our country. The autumn leaves are turning bright red. Look at the sky. Look at the clouds. The starry sky is mesmerizing. I feel relaxed when I am surrounded by the sun. Enjoy the happiness that you can feel only because you are alive right now.

The place you are aiming for is right here, right now, in your heart!

Thinking in the middle of the road in the northern sea of Hokkaido


昨日(2022.11.25)、新海誠監督の「雲のむこう 約束の場所」をPrime Videoで見た。









The country of Hinomoto, when seen on a map, is really shaped like a dragon. It is protected by the sea. And the first country to receive sunlight. Isn't everything beautiful? Well, it is beautiful, harsh, gentle, scary, divine, and thankful.

On the last day of this trip, we left Jozankei Onsen, fetched water from Mt. Yotei in Niseko, stopped by my cousin Masafumi Sawada's workshop, drove around the Shakotan Peninsula, walked around Otaru, and boarded the Shin Nihonkai ferry from Otaru Port. It was a beautiful day, with the sea, mountains, and land all shining in the sunlight. Even when I first decided to go on this trip, I wondered if I would really be able to go. I was afraid of the harsh words and worried about whether I would be able to make a living financially if I did go. I was scared of the harsh words. To be honest. But I took the plunge, and I am protected! I'll be fine! Just like this country bathed in sunlight, I am also bathed in sunlight and protected by the sea! I felt it so strongly. My father, Koichi, named me "Yoko" (meaning "Yoko" in Japanese) because he wanted me to have a heart as big as the Pacific Ocean. I'm still a bit timid and goofy, not quite the Pacific Ocean, but I want to be like that, and I realize that I am protected and alive, and I am filled with gratitude. I am so grateful. I am even moved to tears. All I can say is "Thank you. As I write this, it is already January 3, 2023. I am glad I went. I think about it deeply as I sit on the stove at my parents' house. It has been a year of trying many new things for the first time. But whether I failed or succeeded, I am glad I did it. I am glad I went. I am glad I took action. I am glad I quit. I'm glad I failed. It's going to be okay! It's going to be okay! I'm protected! Thank you!
This year, 2023, I will do the best I can, and what can I do for everyone's sparkling smiles? Let's give it a try. I'm a timid person, and I'm easily put on the defensive, but I'm going to let go of that feeling and let the old me go! Let go of that feeling, let go of the old me, and with the feeling of a brand-new baby, let's laugh and have fun in the face of new excitement.

The mountains, the sea, the sky, the earth, nature, and all things in the universe are never in the same state. They are always changing. If we are afraid of change, nothing will ever begin. Let go of the past as garbage and let it go. To create an exciting future. Let go and change.
I am happy, happy, happy, happy, and thankful for the change!

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